Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fun at the gym

I sort of have this history of humor associated with the gym, that goes way back. Like the time that I drove 45 minutes to work early one morning so that I could get my workout done before I got started on my day. Except that I left my work clothes at home. Or when I previously had this crazy irrational fear of the treadmill and then proceeded to FALL OFF the one at the gym. Next to people. Who then later came to a party we were throwing at our house. Oh yeah, I remember when I accidentally locked myself out of the shower room at work and had to stick my head out (with the towel around my body) to see if I could get the receptionist to unlock the locker room for me. I think that happened twice.

Sometimes, the humor has nothing to do with me. Like the guy that used to follow me around our gym at work, using equipment RIGHT NEXT to me. But, I think the funniest thing to happen in the context of exercise happened this morning at my cardio kickboxing class.

The class was pretty full when a woman walked in and said hello to the instructor. We're in the middle of our warm-up, doing jabs and upper cuts to our imaginary predator. Not too long after this, I hear this noise "shhhhuuuussshhhhh" "shhhhuuuussshhhhh" "shhhhuuuussshhhhh" and it seems to be in synch with the moves we are making. Upper cut "shhhhuuuussshhhhh", jab "shhhhuuuussshhhhh", uppercut "shhhhuuuussshhhhh", jab "shhhhuuuussshhhhh".

I finally realize where the noise is coming from. The woman who came into the class late is making these noises as she is CLEARLY kicking the CRAP out of her imaginary predator. Her face was all serious and Rocky-esque. She was kicking some butt! I looked around and NOBODY else seemed to notice!?! Or if they do, they are able to control themselves much better than I am. I am trying so hard to contain my grin. "Shhhhuuuussshhhhh" "shhhhuuuussshhhhh" "shhhhuuuussshhhhh". I wanted so desperatly to shout out "hiiiiyaaah!", but managed to do it only inside my head.

The rest of the class, this woman was like in a trance. I started to wonder if she maybe had an imaginary friend that she was hitting and kicking. Whoever it was, she was PISSED.

1 comment:

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