Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wake up! I have a SURPRISE for YOU!

I'm not sure what was going on with Bennett the past two mornings, when he decided to get up way earlier than I like, but luckily he's back to his normal 7:30-8:00 wake up schedule today. Funny how you get used to things, huh? He used to be a 7am sharp kind of guy, but after returning home from Florida, this morphed into 8am. I wasn't about to complain since the little stinker goes to bed at 7:30 and was still sleeping in. So, when he was up at 6:30 yesterday and 6 (!!) the day before, imagine my irritation. It's kind of like when they start sleeping through the night. And you KNOW they can. And then they don't. And you get all agitated and start arguing with a baby about "what do you want now?" I don't think I'm alone here on this. Right?!?

On Monday I had planned to get up BEFORE they woke up, but the little bugger beat my alarm. Yesterday, I was exhausted and just figured I'd sleep until they woke up. So, when he woke up at 6:30, I wasn't HAPPY per se, but I made lemonade! Off we went to the gym before the little crazies had the sleep wiped out of their eyes. Ha! That will show you!

This morning, Morgan decided that she wanted to wake me up at 7:30 because she had a "SURPRISE for YOU!". She's practically screaming at the top of her lungs as she starts jumping on my bed. Wiping the drool off my forearm, I informed her that it was rude to wake me up (is there a better way to explain that the unnatural way she wakes me up is NOT GOOD?!) I got up and quickly made a decision. No gym today. I was channeling my friend, Melissa, who doesn't do the exercise thing - she's one of THOSE people. Those naturally thin people. Ick! ;) "My muscles are too sore to work out today. Melissa wouldn't want me to work out. WWMD". So I grabbed a quick shower before Bennett started screaming for me and headed downstairs to see the SURPRISE for YOU. Apparently my oldest was bored out of her mind this morning because she decided to prep breakfast for everyone. She had slung a bib over Bennett's high chair and put a Gogurt on his tray. She had gotten down two coffee cups and a glass for her milk. I know it's should be sweet and all; her taking the initiative to take care of the family -- her clearly modeling my behavior. But, seriously? She had to wake me up for this??

So instead, we enjoyed a leisurely breakfast and off to playgroup. Where it turned like 150 degrees outside, suddenly, without warning. Okay, maybe there was a warning. I haven't watched the news in AGES. But, seriously? It was a very pleasant 75 degrees during mid-day on Monday. Who knew it was going to warm up so fast? Yeah, I know. NBC11. So, we'll go to the tennis club for swimming before Morgan's lessons and hopefully wear them out so that tomorrow? We sleep until 8. :)

1 comment:

melissa said...


But I'm proud of you ;-) LMAO