Bennett was in a good mood this morning, all smiles and giggles. Once we got to the center, he took off for EVERYTHING. He was running in and out of the rooms like he owned the place. We went first to the area where there was a big pit of BALLS. BALL! BALL! Oh my goodness Momma - BALL!! They had a great slide for the little ones and some gymnastic mats also. Shortly after we got there, they had music time and so we tried that out. Except he didn't want to sit on the carpet square. Or in my lap. Nope. He wanted to wander around, bumping into other kids as they sang about the farmer taking a wife. And then the wife taking a child?? Who makes up these songs anyway?

When Morgan was done painting her snail (can you see the resemblance?), we went to the "cafeteria" to eat lunch. Where the kids continued to push each other's buttons by kicking each other. I had to separate them and then Bennett decided that he wanted to get out of his chair while he was eating, which was NOT going to happen (I refuse to chase my kids around with food, getting them to eat. I know I'm a cruel mother, but I've got rules dammit). So, he eventually finished eating, under duress and the kids went back to the art room, where Bennett preferred to express his artistic side by climbing the stool to get up to the sink rather than coloring, painting or gluing. We went for round two of the blocks and dinosaurs, and found some rather cool keyboards where the kids could sit and pretend they were all-important dot com CEOs. Morgan even asked for blocks to make a monitor. Bennett was emailing Daddy about how Momma didn't let him eat lunch on the run and then he was off again -back into the room with the ball pit.

It was a fun outing. But I'm kind of thinking I need to do one more outing before school starts. One more time at the beach or something really summery. Because the Educational Center didn't scream summer vacation to me. I want things to be *just so*.
I know. It's a sickness.
Cull Canyon, round two? ;-)
I'm thinking YES!
Paige & Lance,
Thank you for your prayers. I was pleasantly surprised to hear from you. I've had a chance to check out some of the photos on your blog. You have a beautiful family. Best wishes to you both (and your little ones, too).
David Loperena
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