Friday, August 8, 2008

I have a feeling....

So, it's finally Friday. Hooray. And even though I didn't get much sleep last night, I have a feeling that today will be a good day. You can call me crazy if you want, but I just have that feeling.

Despite being out late and having one too many glasses of wine with the girls. Despite waking up at a little before 4 with an arm muscle that would NOT stop twitching, and then subsequently being awake until around 5. Despite the fact that Bennett woke up crying at 5:30 (but thankfully Lance got up and dealt with him). Despite the fact that Bennett continued to cry, off and on until I finally went down and got him out of bed at 6:30. I brought him into my bed and he proceeded to point out all the things related to "Daddy", like pajama bottoms, a cup, and his side of the bed. Despite the fact that I was up at 7, whether I liked it or not. Despite it all, I just have a feeling that it's going to be a good day.

Morgan woke up shortly thereafter, dressing before she left her room. When I asked her if she wanted breakfast, she said "Yes, thank you. But first, can I get Elly's food for her?" and then she proceeded to fill the dog's bowl with food. While eating breakfast, she asked me if I had any dusting she could help me with today and then when I told her no, asked if she could help unload the dishwasher. See, maybe it WILL be a good day today.

And just to press my luck, I've decided on a whim to see if some of our friends might be available for an impromptu Olympics opening ceremony party at our house. Yep, because we are selling crazy today.

Isn't it amazing what one night out with the girls can do for you? :)

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