Sunday, August 31, 2008

Go ahead and google it

So, I have a tool that allows me to see where traffic is coming from on my blog. It will tell me if someone is coming directly to my site, through Google reader, or bloglines, or whatever. It also will tell me if, say, someone happened to stumble upon my blog by googling particular words. Like "comfort letter for kindergarten", for instance. Go ahead, you know you want to.

GUESS WHO'S NUMBER ONE??! That's right! I'd like to thank the academy....oh wait. Not number one like that.

I've gotten at least one hit a day (more often two or three) from Google for people who are HONESTLY looking for a LEGITIMATE letter to comfort their child in case of emergency. And they stumble across my half-baked letter. I don't know why this strikes me as equally hilarious and embarrassing. I'm a smart ass in a legitimate directory. These poor people who keep searching for help. All I can say is I'm sorry! Sorry, I can't be of greater assistance. Sorry to waste your time.

And to set the record straight, I did not put a copy of our will into either of the emergency kits. I thought that might be taking it to a whole new level. I tried to focus on the FUN GLOW STICK and the MYLAR SPACE BAG that would be really cool things to think about in the event of a major catastrophe. I also threw in a few "you BETTER LISTEN TO YOUR TEACHER!!" comments.

But, you do what you think needs to be done. And, if you are brave, please post a copy of your letter here. So that others may also find the information they are searching for. Because mine is simply no template.

And, honestly, when did emergency kits become such a popular thing??

1 comment:

Lara said...

How do you see this info from google?