It *might* have a little something to do with the fact that Bennett pointed to one of mine yesterday and innocently said "Boo Boo". So yeah, a little revengeful of me, I suppose.
The scale went back up again today. By like two pounds?? I suppose this is my punishment for not working out yesterday. But I was busy in the morning and then the kids didn't wake up from naps until 5. I was busy doing chores during nap time and reading through the 100+ pages of the registration packet for Kindergarten. After naps, Morgan begged me to let her play Wii and then we played a few rounds of hide and seek before it was time to clean out her drawers and closets and make the list of what she needs for school. That's what we were doing when Lance got home from work and then it was dinner time and then there was bedtime and Big Brother and the Olympics. So yeah, when was there time to workout yesterday?? I know, likely excuse. Which is why the two additional pounds today.
But, I did 3+ miles around the track and 15 sets of stairs today. Hopefully that will account for something?? After, I got showered up and dressed. I even shaved. And put lotion on. And dried my hair. And used he flat iron. I went all out, I'm telling you! Then, I went and got the kids and we headed to the park where we met some friends for some fun in the sun. On the way down, I must have played this song at least a thirteen bazillion times. I downloaded it off of iTunes after watching the video over at Dooce. I dare you to try not to dance to this one. Double dog dare you.
Morgan and Chenoa had a blast playing together, as usual. It's so nice to have her play so nicely with GIRLS! Such a foreign concept over here! They did get dissed by another couple of girls, who Morgan defined as bossy (try not to laugh!). That's the interesting thing about her playing with girls. They are....ummmm....girls. Complete with having to go to the bathroom together. A new frontier! But it's great!

Bennett was happy to be in the water, eating lunch. and then being on the loose with Kylee. The only downside was when a bigger kid tried to take away his ball. Like right out of his hand. Luckily, I was right there to tell the kid THAT IS NOT NICE! The same kid also pushed Kylee down into the water and kept pushing on her. I'm not sure where his mom was. But you know what? We got our revenge because I saw another little girl following him around trying to kick him.

All kids were sufficiently tired out when we packed up the cars and left. And now my little bundles of joy are all tucked into their beds napping. Given that I've been staying up waaayy too late watching the Olympics, and that we are closing in on a looooong and busy summer, I think I'll follow suit in a minute. We are going to the Member Night at the zoo tonight, where we'll be enjoying a catered dinner. No cooking dinner for me! Again! Yay! Gosh, it's almost like I planned it this way.
I am cracking up at you taking joy in the mean boy being followed around and kicked!
Kylee took a three hour nap so I was able to fit nap time in also. WooHoo!!
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