Monday, August 25, 2008

The night before Kindergarten

Her clothes are laid out. Her shoes are by the door. Her backpack is packed and ready to go. We packed her snack together. My little girl is growing up. How did this happen?

It was just yesterday when I brought her home from the hospital, not knowing exactly what to do with this precious baby with a head full of hair. She just started walking, just started talking, and just called me Momma for the first time. I remember it clearly, when she first told me that she loved me. I remember the first time she threw a tantrum and the first time she went poop on the potty. And wasn't it just a second ago that she was starting preschool?? Now, she's going to be in Elementary school. With big kids that are losing teeth, rather than cutting teeth. Where she's going to make new friends and have homework and learn how to read. A whole new world is opening up before her. As Lance put it to her tonight, this marks a whole new chapter in her life.

We read her "The Night Before Kindergarten" tonight before bed. She's glancing at me out of the corner of her eye, just waiting. Just waiting for the tears to drop. As soon as she sees them well up in my eyes, she's all "I knew it!!" She was a little surprised to hear that we were leaving her at school tomorrow. I guess she thought maybe we'd all play together?? But, all in all, she's very excited for tomorrow.

So are we. Us parents of an elementary-school-aged-kid. *sigh*

Now if I can just figure out a way to get Bennett to slow down. I can't have both my babies growing up so fast.

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