Friday, August 1, 2008

Day one of operation "Daddy's Not Home"

I've been totally dreading this weekend. I really look forward to our family time and also getting the occasional break from the kids. But, Lance is geocaching all weekend with his buddies and I'm here for some LOOONG weekend days. Especially after the other day, when things were just not going right, I was really not looking forward to having a whole weekend of that. By myself. Last night, I tried to talk Lance into taking Bennett with him. You know? Man time? Yeah, I guess it doesn't really take on the full meaning until they are actually a bit older, huh? It would be so nice to be alone with Morgan for the weekend. We could do fun stuff like movies, and pedicures, and girl talk. But having a 15 month old along for the ride doesn't really make it so fun. So, we'll make due.

As I was falling asleep last night, I had two mantras.

Keep a positive attitude.

I truly believe that this rubs off on the kids and helps soften them a bit, making them less likely to want to hit me (Bennett), sass me (Morgan) or throw things at me (Bennett).

Keep them busy!

Nothing is worse than a five year old who is bored and a 15 month old who is just looking for things to get into. The plan for the weekend is to keep them busy, maximize my two hours of free childcare at the nursery at the gym and keep them out of the house as much as possible.

So far, things are going well. I'm fully aware that it's just 1pm on the first day. And since I just now said that, my afternoon is sure to bring the hellfire out of each of my two offspring, but I'm just gonna put it out there. My mantras are working!

We hit the club this morning at 9:30 and I was going to take the sculpt-stretch-tone class, but was diverted by my former boss in the lobby of the club. He and another friend of mine from the moms club were going to do this insane workout regimen where you run 9 laps around the indoor track and then go up and down the stairs nine times. Then 8 times around the track and 8 sets of stairs, etc., on down to 1 lap. By the end of it, I had run four miles and done 45 sets of stairs. It was an awesome, unexpected workout. I hit the showers and took my time getting ready and then picked up the kids. We got home and they were hungry, so we went ahead and did lunch and then they both wanted naps early. Which is fine with me. Both were pleasant during lunch and Morgan is being downright helpful. I'm not sure what it was that Lance whispered to her last night as he was putting her to bed, but whatever it was, she responded that Momma would tell him good things when he gets back. Bless him!

I was able to get my chores done this morning before we left for the club, so now I have a good solid two to three hours to recharge my energy and prepare for the afternoon - easily the worst time of day. But my plan is to get them out of the house as quickly after naps as possible. We'll do snack and then we'll head off to the library for some books and then we are going to go to a local kids outing place where they have a gym for the kids to expend their energy. We'll have dinner there and then by the time we come home? It will be bedtime.

Day one down. Two more to go.


emily said...

I hope the weekend continues to go well! I really admire your ability to make time in your schedule to work out!

melissa said...

If anyone can do it, Super Mom Paige can.

Work in Progress said...

You guys are killing me!

2) Workout = time away from kids; see 1.
3) I will always make time to be away from my kids. See 1.