Thursday, September 4, 2008

Beauty sleep and other random thoughts.

I have to (1) quit staying OUT too late and (2) quit staying UP too late. This new school schedule is wrecking my beauty sleep.

After Morgan decided yesterday that she wasn't ready to get out of bed when her alarm went off, we discussed that it was kind of THE WHOLE PURPOSE of having an alarm. You know, getting up before you are ready to. So you can get somewhere on time. So, this morning, when her alarm went off, I knew she was up because I could hear her stomping around. I'm pretty sure she was channeling my Dad, being quiet.

I had to wake Bennett up to get ready before school both yesterday and the day before.We have a play date at a friends' house this morning at 8:30 (after school drop off, but not right after), so my plan is to let him sleep until the very last moment and then possibly just getting him out of bed and into the car. This means that I either need to feed him in the car, or I'll have like 20 minutes to feed him and change him when we get back from dropping Morgan off. Except, I don't know what kinds of food, besides dry cereal, to feed a toddler in the car. Any suggestions? I may try to warm up a pancake and let him snack on that. Or, maybe because I'm planning this, he'll wake up before we leave. Who knows. Parenting is always a craps shoot.

I'm tired and have a bunch of stuff to catch up on from yesterday (ahem, Melissa, ahem). I gave myself permission yesterday to have a "slack" day. Just as if I was still working outside of the home and sometimes I would have a day where I just wouldn't get everything non-essential done on that day. It's amazing how much harder it is to give yourself permission when you're, in essence, working for yourself.

So, today I will need to catch up. Oh, and go to the gym. Because I slacked off from that yesterday. It was just too busy of a day with school, PTO meeting, playgroup, and board meeting last night. Today we just have the play date. And then I might take Bennett to the park before it gets too warm.

1 comment:

aspohn said...

Breakfast in the car ideas (if he likes them) dry waffles or pancakes (like you said), Carter LOVES Nutri-Grain bars, sausage patty, banana/apple/grape/melon slices...none real messy and at least a few more choices. Hope it helps!