Friday, September 12, 2008

Stick a fork in me

I'm done with the week. I made hardly any progress on getting my tornado zone cleaned up today because I'm just that tired. I had no problem putting it all aside and taking a nap. Which is very uncharacteristic of me. But, it needed to be done for the sake of us all. :)

I haven't done a debrief on yesterday's MOPS meeting, but I will have so say that it was really cool! This year's theme is "Adventures in Mothering" and they had it decorated with an amusement park theme. There was a speaker who started this particular group of MOPS over a decade ago and who's youngest child (of four) is four years old. She talked a lot about how hard these preschool years are and how it's so nice to have a group of women that you can share that burden with.

The breakfast was delicious and I enjoyed getting to know the ladies at my table. I actually already knew one of them through the moms club. There was also a "mentor mom" at each table who is there to use as a resource, as they have already gone through the preschooler years. The mentor mom at our table is the mom of two girls who are a junior and sophomore in college. We talked a lot about girls and attitude. She said she never really had a problem with her girls, so I figured I'll be picking her brain a lot over the course of this thing.

After the speaker, we did a craft and I actually was able to finish it. We made magnetic refrigerator lists. They turned out really cute. When I went to pick up Bennett, I was informed that he was so good! I know, I think they might have mistaken him for another child.

Today, I worked all morning long in Morgan's class while another mom from the class watched Bennett. I helped with the various centers she had going on. I was "shaving cream mom" and I worked with the kids on writing their sight words with their fingers in the shaving cream on the table. The kids definitely liked my station the best! :) I heard comments like "I've never done anything this messy before!" It was great. And, aside from the occasional wave to me and "HI MOM!!" from Morgan, she did fairly well with me being in the class. After center time was over, the kids went out for recess and the parent volunteers stayed in the class to do prep work for the teacher. Our particular class has so many parent volunteers that our teacher had to declare Wednesday as a parent free day so that she has a day alone with the kids! I asked if we could help out some of the other teachers that may not have the same level of participation from their parents and we are doing prep work for other classes also. It's so nice to have so many parents interested in their children's education. Not to mention it's nice to have a little bit of time doing mindless tasks and chatting with other moms and not having a 17 month old tyrant around. :)

We have NOTHING planned for this weekend. Absolutely nothing. And I'm loving it. Especially since I have some catch up to do on the house. Like mopping the kitchen floor. It's pretty gross right now.

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