Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Opting out

Every Sunday, I plan out my week with our activities, what workout I will do, and what errands need to be run. The only two things on the agenda today were an 8:30 cardio & core class and Morgan's ballet class at 4:30. This morning, as Bennett was still sleeping when it was nearing the time to leave to drop Morgan off at school, I decided that I would use her ballet time to walk and ditch the class this morning. That way I could just bring him to school in his jammies, come back and he could eat his breakfast at a leisurely pace and not be under the gun.

We got back home and I enjoyed a second cup of coffee while he ate his strawberries, grapes and the last of his pancakes. I decided that since I had time this morning, I would go ahead and make up a batch of waffles for him to eat on over the coming days (half batch since Morgan is "over" hot breakfasts). He DEMANDED a waffle instead of his leftover, reheated pancake. The boy is no dummy! :)

So, here I sit with ample time at my fingertips. I've already done today's chores, just need to run by the grocery store before getting Morgan and then I'll have the entire nap time to myself. What will I do??

Sometimes it's better to not be so scheduled, I'm thinking.

For now, I'm going to go enjoy my little tyrant until it's time to go.

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