Friday, September 19, 2008

A nap does a world of good

It wasn't a long nap, but it was still a good solid 25 minutes of sleep. I woke up happy and feeling rested and that's always a good sign. When Bennett woke up, we hung out and had graham crackers and snuggled on the couch. When Morgan woke up, Bennett and I hugged on her and scratched her back (this is her favorite thing) and then I got some toys out for them. Morgan had some snack and then asked Bennett if he wanted to play in the playroom. He said "yeah" and they've been playing in their nicely since. Before I know it, Lance will be home and our weekend will have started.

Leftovers for dinner, so no cooking required. At some point, I'll have to catch up on all the chores I've put off over the past few days, but they'll wait. For now, I'm enjoying a restful afternoon!

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