Sunday, September 14, 2008

Cursing Costco

Why do they have to give out the samples?? I think they must lace them with crack because that's all Morgan can talk about or think about when within a 1000 ft vicinity. "Can I get some of those little food things?" or "Are they handing out little foods?" It's enough to drive you crazy.

I took her with me after nap and she asked if she could bring some money to buy something. I was all, "Uhhh.....sure. What are you thinking you want to buy?" And she was all, "I don't know but whenever I ask you to buy me something you always ask me if I brought my money." She's getting too smart. But, if she wants to contribute $10 to toilet paper, who am I to break her heart??

So, we load up her Disney Princess wallet with a five dollar bill and five one dollar bills and find an appropriately matching purse. She can hardly STAND IT. This money is so on fire and burning a whole in her purse. The whole time we are there, she alternated between "Can I get some of those little food things?" and "Can I pick out something to buy now?" DROVE ME CRAZY.

But, the upside is that there were no toys to speak of. So she perused the books for about ten minutes and finally found INCREDIBLE ANIMALS and was sold. We got in line and she paid for her book separately. It was $10.10, but I cut her a break and gave her a dime. I know, I know. Maybe there's a floor she can wax to make up the ten cents to me. ;) She even wanted to keep the receipt and have them "check her" at the door on the way out like they always do. And instead of asking them for a smiley face on my receipt, like she always asks if she can do, she looked at me and informed me that she was going to ask them for a smiley face on her receipt. Because it's hers. And she can have one. I guess this was the most magical smiley faces of all, because it was worth oooohhhing and aaaahhhhing over and then she insisted on tucking her receipt away in her purse. So she could show Daddy when we got home. It's the little things!

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