Thursday, September 4, 2008

Two reasons I love my husband

1. He took Morgan to school this morning, thus resolving my conflict over when/where/what to feed Bennett.

2. I had to admit I was wrong about something this morning and when he didn't throw it in my face, I said, "What no comment about me being wrong?". He said, "No comment necessary. I'm expecting the entire universe to stop." See, he thinks the world revolves around ME. Ha! :)

I'm enjoying my non-driving-drinking-coffee-from-a-coffee-mug-instead-of-a-travel-mug-morning. Bennett woke up on his own accord and is now dressed and happily eating pancakes and pears. I have unloaded the dishwasher and have no worries about making it to our play date on time.

We didn't do leftovers last night, so we'll do them tonight and I'll hit the 5pm athletic challenge class at the club. I love it when things work out.

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