Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I know I'm going to jinx myself...

But we are having a good day around here! It started out a little hectic, with Morgan's alarm clock not going off (need to figure that one out), so we had to rush through the morning a bit. Luckily, Morgan had asked me last night if she could make her own breakfast, so last night, I put out a covered bowl of cereal and put a little bottle of milk in the refrigerator where she could reach it. That made breakfast time a lot easier this morning. I also had already prepared Bennett's fruit (in a bowl, of course), so I was able to pop him into the highchair and have his food to him in less than ten seconds, while I heated up his pancake and then unloaded the dishwasher.

We got to school just on time and then Bennett and I moseyed on over to the tennis club. I did a cardio and core class, which wasn't enough of either for my taste (mostly lunges and squats) and then I hit the showers. I was able to take my time getting ready, even got to put lotion on! And it was gardenia lotion so I even smell good! :) I picked up Bennett from the nursery and was happy to hear that he did great and did not hit anyone with his chunky little hands or any toys. He was super happy to see me, and we headed off to the grocery store. He did great at the store, with the exception of throwing down his sippy cup and BREAKING IT. I'm not sure how one BREAKS a PLASTIC sippy cup, but my son managed to. Luckily, I had already purchased two new sippy cups for him.

We got home and spent some time playing and reading books and then I prepared lunch for the kids (baked chicken nuggets and cucumbers) and then it was time to go get Morgan. She was all excited about some envelope that she's supposed to bring back and forth between school and home. It's the little things, people! We got home and she was excited that lunch was waiting for her and it was "CHICKEN NUGGETS!! You are the best, Mom!". The kids ate while I made my lunch and ate and then I did the post-lunch cleanup while they played.

Things got a little out of hand with Morgan needing to expend some extra energy and running around screaming like a mad woman. But, I asked her to go sit on her bed and she obliged (with just a little attitude). I was able to finish up a lot of my chores - dusting their rooms, cleaning out my purse, diaper bag and wallet, and cleaning the bathroom mirrors while they played.

Just before nap, I actually had the foresight to put out their pajamas and clothes for tomorrow. We have our back to school night tonight and Lance and I are both going (my niece is going to babysit - yeah!). So, now I don't have to worry about doing the scramble before she gets here for pajamas and stuff and their stuff is already laid out for tomorrow morning. I'm pre-prepared. :)

Now, I'm sitting here with my exercise and chores done and I even have time to make a phone call. Loving the new schedule and routine!

After nap, we'll do snack and maybe hit a park or have a play date with the neighbor. Back to school night starts at 6:30, so I've asked my niece to be here at 6. Leftovers for dinner, so I'm pretty much done for the day.

Now where are those bon bons? Oprah's about to come on. :)

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