Friday, September 5, 2008

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

We've had a lovely day so far. We were EARLY for school. I was able to get back home and do some chores before dropping Bennett off at Tot Drop. I wanted to try him out there for a couple of hours while I was at home, to see how he will do. I plan to use Tot Drop as a backup in case I need it for working in Morgan's classroom (which I start next week!). The teachers that were there when I used to take Morgan there were still there and they remembered me and Morgan and couldn't believe that she's in Kindergarten now. They adored Bennett as much, if not more and he did FABULOUSLY. I thought he was going to lose it when I left, but he was easily distracted by the slide outside. :)

I came home to an empty house (VERY STRANGE FEELING!) and got to work on the yard. I mowed and weeded and swept. And then, before I knew it, it was time to get showered up and go pick Bennett up. He was happy to see me and we had enough time before I had to go get Morgan that I was able to prep macaroni and cheese for the kids and a salad for adults. Went to school and picked Morgan up and then her friend, Kaitlyn (and her mom), came over for a play date. The kids ate and then Bennett went down for his nap while the girls watched a movie and played. Kaitlyn's mom and I got a chance to sit and chat for a while and it was really nice! She's such a sweet person and we have a lot in common.

Kaitlyn and her mom just left and now Morgan is having quiet time in her room (things started to deteriorate towards the end of the play date since Morgan was hanging nap-free). Bennett is now up, so I'm still "on". We've been invited to Superfranks tonight and I'm not sure if we'll go or not. Need to check with the hubby. This time between now and dinner is the hardest, so I'm tempted to go to (1) beat the heat and (2) get the kids out of the house. Guess we'll see how quiet time goes.

Better go get Bennett before he starts pounding on the walls. :)

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