Saturday, September 6, 2008

Teach that boy some manners

Bennett's vocabulary is just exploding lately. He's saying all kinds of words, mimicking them at first and then using them after. But the one word he REFUSES to say is please. He'll sign it like a champ, but he will not verbalize it. I've resorted to pointing to my lips and saying "use your words!" while slowly mouthing the word PPPP-LLLLL-EEEEEAAAA-SSSSS-EEEE. His response is to point to his lips and say "words". Ahh!!

He can say his name now, sort of. He won't just say Bennett, but if you ask him to say baby Bennett, he'll say it. "baby bebe".

A funny thing he's doing right now is if you ask him what a Bennett says, he'll say "noooooooo". I taught him that Momma says I love you and so, if I ask him what a Momma says, he'll say "wuvoo". Nothing can melt the heart quite like that. Which is good. Because I probably told him three thousand times today that it's NOT okay to stand on the couch, or hit when you're told to get down because you were standing on the couch, or throw things because you aren't allowed to hit. This boy is the definition of a time out.

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