Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just when I was starting to feel superior

My heart nearly dropped to the floor when I spied the most insane instructor headed towards the class I was taking this morning. I thought briefly about fleeing to the weight room or track to avoid having her teach a cardio & core class, but I decided to suck it up and followed her to the classroom. Where I was surprised to see that there was already an instructor there. And then it dawned on me that she was actually there to take the class, not to teach it.

This particular instructor is well known for being the toughest. In fact, if you mention her name in some of the other classes, the instructors will often take their class to a whole new level. Just at the mere mention of her name. I've only taken her spin class. And it's tough, but it's VERY good. Well, here she was. One of us. The nervousness in the room was nearly palpable. I'm sure everyone was thinking the same thing I was thinking. Oh Shit!

This is sure to put me on some short list into hell, but here are some random "good thoughts" I had during the class.

- Wow! She's not very coordinated off of a bicycle.
- Dang, she sweats a lot.
- Look at me! I'm doing the high impact/high intensity moves. Look at her! Low impact! Pphhhffft!
- I am catching up to her on the track! Woo hoo!
- Dang, she sweats a lot.
- Aww, look...she had to leave early!

And then? Just as the class was ending, she walks back in. With the next class. That she was teaching. So forget about the lack of coordination or the low impact moves. This woman is a machine.

In other news at the tennis club, my Veteran Family Representative was in the class this morning (which I had feared, which is why I haven't been to this class in 2 weeks). She distracted me from a good warm up by talking to the woman that was next to her (the two of them were in front of me). And then? Then, she had the audacity to make a comment while we were up at the track that she couldn't hear what the class instructor said BECAUSE SOMEONE WAS TALKING. Oh please!! When we got back to the room, she turns to me and asks if I got her email. I just smiled and said "Yes. Thank you." when what I really wanted to tell her was that we're not going to get all BFFs over this. I figure that will sort itself out later.

In even more news from the tennis club, Lance and I successfully spent our club credit. I now have some smashing new workout attire, a new water bottle, Lance has a new shirt, and was treated to an hour long hot stone massage. Life is good. :)


Lara said...

I am really jealous of this club credit you keep talking about!! I want a fancy workout outfit.

Anonymous said...

Two somewhat snarky comments that aren't really meant to be snarky... so the low impact moves were really just because she was taking the class as her warm up... that's kinda funny.

Also, I gotta tell you that if your life is anything like most books you are totally going to wind up BFF with the veteran family representative.... I mean it just seems like you've mentioned her alot and you've talked about finding a new close friend and maybe your life won't turn out like a book but it just seems like it's what's gonna happen.

Work in Progress said...

Jenn - You better bite your tongue!! No way. No how.