Saturday, September 6, 2008

More of the same

I'm exhausted from the back-to-school schedule. I slept in until 8:20 this morning, but had to get up so I could make the 9:30 kickboxing class and also be ready to hit the beach this afternoon (we were supposed to be 20-25 minutes away at 11 and the class ended at 10:30). We got there about 20 minutes late, which isn't too bad considering we had to circle back home to get the TOWELS that we somehow forgot we needed when going to play in the water and sand. Once we finally got there, it was great. Except, as soon as I got the blanket all spread out and stuff unpacked, Bennett promptly plopped his little tush down and pointed to his mouth and declared "eat". So, he ate lunch and then played in the water for all of maybe 20 minutes before he was done. Luckily, Lance was able to wrangle him while Morgan and I enjoyed the cool water for a bit before we had to leave. It was well over 100 degrees today, so it was nice to spend some time in the water with friends. But if I wasn't exhausted before, spending a few hours in the blazing hot sun was sure to do it.

During nap time, Lance and I finally finished watching a movie we've had from Blockbuster Online for, I dunno, at least three months? It wasn't even that good. And it kept me from napping! But at least we get to progress our queue now. And Lance took all three of our movies back to Blockbuster and got the whole second season of Dexter on DVD. Guess what we are doing tonight?? So much for going to bed early. :)

We don't have anything planned for tomorrow except church. After that, I look forward to getting ready for the week ahead. Morgan has an early release day on Monday, but the rest of the week should be more of us adjusting to the new routine. I even get to start working in her class on Friday.

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