Monday, September 15, 2008

Rice box

One of my purchases at Costco yesterday was a 25 pound bag of long grain rice. Before you get too worried about what type of lamb meat I might be pairing with this, or as Lance asked, what third world country I'm trying to feed, let me assure you that this isn't to be eaten. No, I got the idea to make a portable "sand box" using rice and a large under the bed bin from Parent Hacks.

So, this morning after getting home from the gym and Bennett's Terrific Toddlers class, I wanted to tidy up the kitchen and make lunch. I decided to give the new rice box a whirl to keep Bennett busy and out of the kitchen, where he's magnetically drawn to the rounder where I keep the sugar and flour. I set it up on the tiled entry way so that if he accidentally spills some outside of the box (quit snickering, Melissa!), I can easily sweep it up. I opened the lid and you should have SEEN the look on his face. I show him how to pour the rice from one little toy cup to another. He grabs a handful and holds it outside of the box and I sternly tell him to keep it inside the box. I show him what I mean. I figure it's not that big a deal because I can just sweep it up if he keeps doing this.

Want to know what I didn't think about??

I didn't consider that he might actually WALK AROUND with rice in his hands. I don't know why this didn't occur to me, but it didn't. So, when I was done making lunches, I went to see how it was going and there was not only a HUGE pile of rice on the entry way floor, but also a matching one in the living room on the carpet. Thank goodness it didn't take me too long to make lunch because I now have visions of finding piles of rice all over the house.

And Elizabeth, if you are reading this, YES, I know you told me so. I heard you. I swear. I just thought....I dunno. It would be different?? :)


Anonymous said...

I guess we'll find out later how much he ate.


Lara said...

Ha Ha Ha! Good times, Good times:)