Monday, September 8, 2008

Friends, take two

I've been stewing on this all night because I don't think I worded my last entry about it properly. I think what it sounded like was that I'm looking for something other than what I already have. Which, is partly true. But the big difference is that I'm pretty sure the type of friendship I am desiring in my life right now will happen with someone I already know. I know a great group of women. It just takes time to develop a relationship that makes someone your "go to" person.

And while my entry may have seemed not overly optimistic, in reality, I feel really lucky to know the women I know, from all walks of life. I'm looking forward to taking some of these relationships to the next level. Because I'm missing my go to person.

Okay, I feel better now. :)

1 comment:

melissa said...

We aren't offended. :-) I tease you, but that's all it is. LOL. I know you are in a difficult transition right now from something you knew to....well, you aren't sure yet. But you will find everything you need eventually!