Saturday, September 13, 2008

Feeling good

I went to bed at a respectable hour last night after suffering through another one of Lance's blockbuster picks. This one was Meet Bill, which wasn't TERRIBLE like other movies such as Drawing Flies. But needless to say, it sucked all the life out of me, so when it was over, I was ready to go to bed. And then the kids slept until almost 8am this morning.

With no solid plans this weekend, I have all kinds of things swarming through my head for us to do. After eating breakfast, I took the kids with me to the tennis club to give Lance some time to himself at home. I took cardio kickboxing and the kids colored pictures. The kickboxing class was really good and we did way more kicks than we normally do. I'm feeling great! I picked up the kids from the nursery and then we came back home after to find Lance staining our back deck (this has needed to be done for over a year!). Maybe I'll have to do this every Saturday! That lengthy to-do list might see some traction as I work out and have someone else watch the kids. Not sure why I didn't consider this before. Heck, I'd even be willing to take a bullet and stay at the club for another hour after the class! I could hang out in the steam room or sauna and then go pick up the kids. Imagine the things that will get done!

It's nice and crisp out this morning. Mid 60s. It's feeling more like fall and with football on today, I'm feeling really good. I love this time of year. Plan for the rest of the day is to get my housework done during nap time and get everything ready for dinner before the game starts. I think I'm going to roast a chicken for us tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As far as "Indie Sasquatch movies staring Jason Lee" go... "Drawing flies" was pretty good. ;)
